SQL Server Course
Faculty : Realtime experience
Beside this there is also numbers of application where it pays the big roles to perform efficiently. here are some point that he mention there
* Easy access to data
* Easy integration and reporting the data
* Easy sharing of information
* Powerful analysis of information
* Massive Scale
* Ready for future
This course is intended for :
Database Developer, Database Administrator, Business Intelligence Developer No prior experience is presumed.
Hands-on/Lecture Ratio:
This class is 50% hands-on, 50% lecture.
Software Needed on Each Student PC:
* Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Professional, Windows vista or 7 with at least 1GB RAM
* SQL Server 2014
Course Completion: After completing this course, students will be able to:
* Define database
* Define database objects
* Explain Database Objects
* Define SQL Commands and their uses
* Developing T-SQL Programs such as Strored Procedures and Triggers
* Overview of Administration All students will receive
* A copy of Guide to SQL Server 2014
SQL Server Online Course Content:
Introduction To DBMS
- File Management System And Its Drawbacks
- Database Management System
(DBMS) and Data Models
- Physical Data Models
- Logical Data Models
- Relational Data Model (RDBMS)
- Object Relational Data Model (ORDBMS)
Introduction To;SQL Server
- Entity ; Relationship (E-R) Model
- Advantages and Drawbacks Of SQL
- Server Compared To Oracle And
- DB2
- Connecting To Server
- Server Type
- Server Name
- Authentication Modes
- Sql Server Authentication Mode
- Windows Authentication Mode
- Login and Password
- Sql Server Management Studio and
- Tools In Management Studio
TSQL (Transact Structured Query Language)
Introduction To TSQL
- History and Features of TSQL
- Types Of TSQL Commands
- Data Definition Language (DDL)
- Data Manipulation Language(DML)
- Data Query Language (DQL)
- Data Control Language (DCL)
- Transaction Control Language(TCL)
- Database(Create,Alter,Drop)
- Constrains
- Procedural Integrity Constraints
- Declarative Integrity Constraints
- Not Null, Unique, Default and
- Check constraints
- Primary Key and Referential
- Integrity or foreign key constraints
- Data Types In TSQL
- Table(Create,Alter,Drop)
Data Manipulation Language(DML)
- Insert
- Identity
- Creating A Table From Another Table
- Inserting Rows From One Table To Another
- Update
- Delete
- Truncate
- Differences Between Delete and
- Truncate
Data Query Language (DQL)
- Select
- Where clause
- Order By Clause
- Distinct Keyword
- Is null() function
- Column aliases
- Between … And
- In
- Like
- Is Null
- Scalar Functions
- Numeric Functions
- Date Functions
- Aggregate Functions
- Group By and Having Clauses
- Super Aggregates Over(partition
- by …) Clause
- Ranking Functions Common Table Expressions (CTE)
- Inner Join
- Self Join
- Outer Join
- Left Outer Join
- Right Outer Join
- Full Outer Join
- Cross Join
Sub Queries
- Single Row Sub Queries
- Multi Row Sub Queries
- Co-Related Sub Queries
- Clustered Index
- NonClustered Index
- Create , Alter and Drop Indexes
- Using Indexes
- Purpose Of Views
- Creating , Altering and Dropping Indexes
- Simple and Complex Views
- Encryption and Schema Binding
Options in creating views
Transaction Management
- Introduction
- Begin Transaction
- Commit Transaction
- Rollback Transaction
- Save Transaction
- Common Table Expressions (CTE)
- Working With Cursors
- Types Of Cursors
- Static, Dynamic and Keyset Cursors
- Local and Global Cursors
Stored Procedures
- Creating , Altering and Dropping
- Input and Output Parameters User Defined Functions
- Creating, Altering and Dropping
- Types Of User Defined Functions
- Table Valued Functions
- Inline Table Valued Functions
- Multi Statement Table Valued Functions
- Purpose of Triggers
- Differences Between Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions and Triggers
- Creating, Altering and Dropping Triggers Exception Handling
- Implementing Exception Handling
- Adding and removing User Defined Error Messages To And From SQL Server Error Messages List
- Login Creation
- SQL Server Authenticated Login
- Windows Authenticated Login
- User Creation
- Granting Permissions
- Revoking Permissions
SQL Server Online Training Full Course Content : Download Here
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