PL/SQL Developer
Faculty : Realtime experience
The course will also covers complete in-depth knowledge on PL/SQL Blocks, Cursors, Procedures, Functions, Triggers and Packages. Each and every topic is covered with unique case studies.
This course is intended for IT Professionals who want learn Oracle (SQL, PL/SQL), No prior experience is presumed.
Hands-on/Lecture Ratio:
- This class is 70% hands-on, 30% lecture.
- Software Needed on Each Student PC
- Windows Server 2003 or 2008 / Linux Server with at least 1GB RAM
- Oracle 11G Release 2
Hands-on/Lecture Ratio:
- Oracle’s core architectural foundations
- How much overhead is reasonable
- How to recognize when you’re doing too much work
- How to predict bottlenecks and why they will happen
- How to minimise contention and locking
- Why concurrency can slow things down significantly
- Understand DBMS, RDBMS
- Understand SQL statements
- Creation of Databases objects like Tables, Indexes, Views ...etc
- Writes simple and complicated SQL Queries
- Good knowledge on PL/SQL Programming
- In-depth knowledge on Cursors, Procedures, Triggers and packages
PL SQL Online Training Course Content:
- Introduction to programming languages
- Introduction to PL/SQL
- PL/SQL Architecture
- PL/SQL Data types
- Variable and constants
- Using built-in functions
- Conditional and unconditional statements
- Selection case, simple case, GOTO label and EXIT
- Iterations in PL/SQL
- SQL within PL/SQL
- Composite data types (complete)
- Cursor management in PL/SQL
- Implicit cursors
- Explicit cursors
- Cursor attributes
- Cursor with parameters
- Cursors with LOOPs
- Cursors with sub queries
- Ref.cursors
- Record and PL/SQL Table types
Advanced PL/SQL
Procedures in PL/SQL:
- PROCEDURE with parameters (IN,OUT and IN OUT)
- POSITIONAL Notation and NAMED Notation
- Procedure with cursors
- Dropping a procedure
Functions in PL/SQL
- Difference between procedures and functions
- User defined functions
- Nested functions
- Using stored function in SQL statements
Packages in PL/SQL:
- Creating PACKAGE specification and PACKAGE body
- Private and public objects in PACKAGE
Types of exceptions:
- User defined exceptions
- Pre defined exceptions
- SQL Error code values
Data base triggers in PL/SQL:
Types of triggers
- Row level triggers
- Statement level triggers
- DDL Triggers
- Trigger auditing
File input/output:
- PL/SQL file I/O (input/output) using UTL_FILE package
Implementing object technology
- What is object technology?
- OOPS-object instances
- Creation of objects
- Creating user defined data types
- Creating object tables
- Inserting rown in a table using objects
- Retrieving data from object based tables
- Calling a method
- Indexing abstract data type attributes
Using LOBS
- Large objects (LOBS)
- Creting tables-LOB
- Working with LOB values
- Inserting, updating & Deleting values in LOBs
- Populating lobis DBMS_LOB routines
- Using B-FILE
Using collections
- Advantages of collection
- Ref cursor (dynamic cursor)
- Weak ref cursor
- Strong ref cursor
- Nested tables VARRAYS or VARYING arrays
- Creating tables using nested tables
- Inserting, updating & deleting nested table records
- Nested table in PL/SQL
Oracle data base architecture
- Introduction to oracle database architecture
- Physical structures logical structures
- DB Memory structures background process
- 2tire, 3tire, N-tier architecture
Advanced features
- 9i joins
- New date function
- Rename column
- Inner join/natural join
- Left outer join/right outer join
- Full outer join
- Multiple inserts
- Insert all command
- Merge statement
- CASE expression of select command
- Temporary tables/global tables
- New function EXTRACT()
- Autonomous traction
- Pragma_autonomous_transaction()
- Returning into clause
- Bulk collect
- About flash back queries
- Dynamic SQL
- New 11g features
PL Sql Training Hyderabad Full Course Content : Download Here
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